Top Questions to ask a contractor before beginning your repair.
Are you HAAG Certified?
HAAG Certified Inspectors have been thoroughly trained to properly identify and document storm damage. All Advanced Exteriors Inc. Project Managers are required to complete this certification course provided by expert HAAG engineers. This accrediting can be valuable when inspecting your property and meeting with your insurance adjuster.
Where is your company based?
Dealing with out-of-town companies could result in having a warranty “not worth the paper it was written on.” Make sure that you only work with proven Colorado-based contractors. Be cautious of companies that represent themselves as national organizations as there are often storm-chasing companies that only stay in town until a larger storm happens elsewhere, Advanced Exteriors Inc. has been servicing the Colorado Front Range Area since 2006.
What is your insurance coverage?
General Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation policies are not always carried by those who claim to have them. A contractor without proper coverages could put you at risk, even if you are not involved in the negligence. Advanced Exteriors Inc. provides proof of our insurance to all customers. In addition, to Auto and Umbrella coverages.
Will you provide a permit for this job?
Most areas require a licensed contractor to furnish a building permit for roofing work. Never allow a contractor to do a job “Under the radar” as the project could be shut down by a Building Department Inspector. Shortcuts can be taken during installation without he accountability of an inspections. Advanced Exteriors Inc. is licensed in dozens of jurisdictions across the Colorado Front Range Area; we always meet or exceed all code requirements for our work.
May I have a list of your suppliers?
Contacting these vendors to investigate contractors will help protect you from potential mechanics liens suppliers can file for nonpayment by the contractor. Suppliers also can be a resource to verify payment history. Advanced Exteriors Inc. has established great credit history with multiple distributers and has provided you with their contract information. Our values and high standards are at the core of our relationships and is demonstrated in our industry partnerships.
What workmanship and manufacturer’s warranties do you provide?
Not all roofs are created equal, nor are the contractors who install them. If your roof is not installed by a certified contractor in compliance with manufacturer’s specifications it may invalidate the warranty, regardless of what is stated on the shingle wrapper or contract. If your warranty is not registered with the manufacturer in a timely manner by the contractor it will provide you limited pro-rated coverage at best. Advanced Exteriors, Inc. is a certified contractor with many manufacturers and offers the best extended warranties available to better protect your lifetime roofing system investment. We also provide a Five Year Workmanship Warranty which guarantees against leaks.